简 介
“Hiking Textile Shandong Co., Ltd”, attached to HIKING GROUP---the biggest foreign trading company of Shandong Province, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shandong Hiking International Co., Ltd stock code 600735. It is merged from the original Hiking Group Shandong Welltrade Int’l Co., Ltd, Shandong Tex Genfont Co., Ltd and Shandong Gaintex Co., Ltd. The main business commodities are knitwears, home textiles, fabrics, etc. Hiking Textiles Shandong Co.,Ltd will take ove the original business of the above three companies and to set up a creative new model of supply chian management by intergraing the internal resources as well as optimizing the chain of capital, logistics, and production, so that to offer a much better service to our customers both home and abroad for our mutual development and win-win cooperation. Add: FL 9-10,CITIC Building, No.22, Hong Kong Road M, Qingdao China P.C.: 266071 Phone: 0086-532-66062200 | Fax: 86-532-6602789 Email:
来源: 中国纺织品进出口商会
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